This is the guidebook of the Academic Affairs Council of University College Roosevelt. Thinking about going on exchange? Unsure where to start looking for Master's? Interested in what the AAC has been working on? This is your place to start.
AAC 2023-2024

Saswot Shrestha, Treasurer
Rebecca Eisenbart, External Officer
Yuvana Sahi, Student Advisor
Susan Brown, Chair
Sophia Secreto, Content Manager
Madeline Edgar, Secretary
Anbie Lee, Internal Officer

Say Hello to Your Favorite Big Board!
  • I'm Susan, the Chair of the Academic Affairs Council. In addition to leading the board by setting agendas and having an overview of all of our events, I also serve on the Board of Studies. Co-governance makes up a large portion of what we do on the AAC, and the Board of Studies is one of the co-governance bodies. Besides me and another student representative, the Board of Studies is made up by all the heads of departments, the head of tutoring, the Director of Education, and the Dean. Please contact us if the AAC can do anything to help you!
    Susan Brown
  • Hi! I'm Madeline, this year's AAC secretary. Being a secretary is a bit of a broad task, but I primarily handle the email (so if you contact us, I'll see your message and assign it to the right board member). My favorite task is, of course, taking minutes during our lovely meetings, but I enjoy the more random tasks that fall to the secretary as well—it keeps me on my toes. I'm also a representative on UCR's Program Committee, where we work to ensure the quality of the educational program, and the UCR experience in general. In my free time, you can probably find me volunteering in the Mensa, and you are always welcome to come and chat!
    Madeline Edgar
  • Hii!, I am Saswot! the treasurer of the AAC and the Chair of the University Council. As the treasurer of AAC, I am responsible for the budget and book keeping of AAC and any other task I can help my fellow board members with. On a bigger role, as the Chair of the UCR Council, I have the responsibility to host Open Meetings with the Management Board: The Dean and the Managing Director. I along with three Personnel Representative and two student Representative gain insights into student concerns, problems, suggestions, ideas and bring them up to the management team. I now look at the current challenges of the university in policies and regulations and manage internal affairs of the university.
    Saswot Shrestha
  • Yuvana here! I'm the Student Advisor (affectionate) and a member of the Program Committee (derogatory). As your Student Advisor, I am the person to come to with your questions and confusion regarding your academics! As your Program Committee representative, I am your voice when it comes to matters of the academic program: things like course evaluations and curriculum changes. In my life outside of the AAC, I am trying to bake more!
    Yuvana Sahi
    Student Advisor
  • Hi! My name is Anbie and I am your Internal Officer this year! Essentially, I plan all the wonderful events that the AAC hosts (come to future week!!!), and help manage all of our social media accounts. Don't forget to follow the AAC's Instagram account and join our updates groupchat on WhatsApp :) I'm also on the UCR Council as a student representative, and we help make decisions and give advice on the decisions of the management team, UCR's finances, etc.
    Anbie Lee
    Internal Officer
  • Hi everyone! I'm Rebecca and I am your new external officer for the AAC. I'm in my second year and I will be majoring in social science. As your new external officer I will represent UCR at other universities/UC's and in national organizations like UCSRN and ISO. With UCSRN we are hoping to organize some cool academic events this year (because they do more than just the tournament and spotlight, which I ∿definitely∿ knew). This basically means I will attend a bunch of (zoom) meetings with other UC reps and travel to different cities to attend GA's and events. Gonna be working on weekends, smh. I am also one of the student reps on the UCR council, where we make sure the best interest of the student is being kept in mind when making policy changes or budget decisions. This mostly consists of having to read a bunch of ∿very important documents∿ and attending even more meetings. Help, is my whole personality going to be the amount of meetings I have this year? If you have any questions send me a text/email/talk to me while I run across campus because I am late for one of my 100 aforementioned meetings.
    Rebecca Eisenbart
    External Officer
  • Hi! I'm Sophia, the AAC's Content Manager! I write the AAC's weekly newsletter, update this very website, and am a representative on the Board of Studies! I love getting to keep everyone at UCR in the loop of what's going on and helping students in our weekly office hours. If you need anything feel free to contact me or come look for me in the Mensa :)
    Sophia Secreto
    Content Manager
The AAC saves the day...
… by handling your complaints, monitoring academic standards, representing you as an intricate part of UCR, and with helping you reach your full academic potential.

The AAC is the academic student board at UCR and consists of seven students who represent University College Roosevelt students in academic matters, as well as in UCR governance. The AAC is an intermediary between students and UCR. One of the most important tasks of the AAC is the representation of students in the Board of Studies (BoS), the Program Committee (PC), and the UCR Council, in which the AAC is involved in educational policy, safeguarding the quality of education, and UCR's plans and policies.

The AAC provides information to students about the courses, study abroad and any policy changes implemented by the governance bodies. The AAC also provides UCR faculty with students' feedback and queries about courses, tracks or the academic environment at UCR.

In cases where this is needed, the AAC can mediate between students and faculty. Many academic grievances can be resolved through meetings with the student(s) and instructor involved. In this way, the AAC contributes to the unique atmosphere at UCR. Keeping the environment healthy, positive and educational for all.