This is the guidebook of the Academic Affairs Council of University College Roosevelt. Thinking about going on exchange? Unsure where to start looking for Master's? Interested in what the AAC has been working on? This is your place to start.
AAC 2024-2025

Weronika Rymarz, Content Manager
Anka Klimaszewska, Secretary
Kel Shoenmakers, External Officer
Anbie Lee, Chair
Hugo Bos, Internal Officer
Yuvana Sahi, Treasurer
Sasha Waller, Student Advisor
Say Hello to Your Favorite Big Board!
  • Hi! My name is Anbie, I’m the Chair of the AAC, where I set the agenda and lead by managing the workings of the board. In addition to this I also serve on the Board of Studies, one of the co-governance bodies of UCR. All AAC members have this double function: two members on the Board of Studies, and the Programme Committee, and three on Council. We are all here to aid you in your UCR journey, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
    Anbie Lee
  • Hello, I’m Anka (formally Anna but no one calls me that) and I am AAC’s secretary! My tasks are taking minutes during internal and external meetings (which I love), taking care of the AAC’s email (which I don’t love as much) and co-managing whatsapp channel. Furthermore, I’m a student representative in the Program Committee. In the PC I work with Sasha (Student Advisor) and two representatives from academic faculty to improve the quality of our curriculum and make it better for all UCR students!
    Anka Klimaszewska
  • Hi! I’m Yuvana, the treasurer of the AAC and the vice-chair of the UCR Council. As the treasurer, my tasks include budgeting and taking care of AAC’s finances in an orderly and timely manner. On the Council, I work with our internal and external officers as well as three personnel representatives in order to bring to light student concerns and address and advise on matters pertaining to the running of the university. I’m excited to be your representative this year!
    Yuvana Sahi
  • Hi guys! I’m Sasha, the student advisor, which means I’m your point of contact for any questions, queries and concerns relating to your academics. I am also the current chair of the Program Committee, where we work to ensure the quality of the program is up to your standards. If you need advice or just want to chat, feel free to reach out at any time! I can’t wait to get to know you all better in the next year :)
    Sasha Waller
    Student Advisor
  • Hi, my name is Hugo! And yes, I do have a funny last name and no, I am not related to the fashion brand in any way. I am this year’s Internal Officer which means that I am responsible for organising the AAC Futureweek, where you will get to know everything about your options for life after UCR. I also really enjoy being a representative on the UCR Council where we work together with faculty to hold the Management accountable by giving advice and consent on any major decisions they take.
    Hugo Bos
    Internal Officer
  • Hey, I'm Kel! I am a representative on the UCR Council, which has right of information, advice, or consent on pending management decisions. I'm also AAC's external officer, making me its UCSRN representative on the Academic Committee. As external officer, I keep contact with outside organisations on behalf of UCR students, such as UCSRN, ISO, and LOF. All this to say, I meet with a lot of different people so you don't have to!
    Kel Schoenmakers
    External Officer
  • Hi! I'm Weronika (or Ronnie, how I sign our beloved newsletter), the AAC's Content Manager! I write the said AAC's weekly newsletter, update this very website, and am a representative on the Board of Studies! I love getting to keep everyone at UCR in the loop of what's going on and helping people of our amazing community with academic issues! If you need anything, feel free to contact me or come look for me around campus (I’m a very short brunette that usually spreads very chaotic energy, so I am easy to spot)!
    Weronika Rymarz
    Content Manager
The AAC saves the day...
… by handling your complaints, monitoring academic standards, representing you as an intricate part of UCR, and with helping you reach your full academic potential.

The AAC is the academic student board at UCR and consists of seven students who represent University College Roosevelt students in academic matters, as well as in UCR governance. The AAC is an intermediary between students and UCR. One of the most important tasks of the AAC is the representation of students in the Board of Studies (BoS), the Program Committee (PC), and the UCR Council, in which the AAC is involved in educational policy, safeguarding the quality of education, and UCR's plans and policies.

The AAC provides information to students about the courses, study abroad and any policy changes implemented by the governance bodies. The AAC also provides UCR faculty with students' feedback and queries about courses, tracks or the academic environment at UCR.

In cases where this is needed, the AAC can mediate between students and faculty. Many academic grievances can be resolved through meetings with the student(s) and instructor involved. In this way, the AAC contributes to the unique atmosphere at UCR. Keeping the environment healthy, positive and educational for all.